Monday, November 10, 2008

The half-marathon-umentary (2 weeks late)

When I was in junior high, my dad ran the marathon. I was scared. If you know me at all this is no surprise, but it seemed like a really big, scary thing for a young kid.

When I was in high school, I thought it was cool. I even ran a few 5 and 10 K's with some of my high school friends.

Then when I got to college, I decided I wanted to do my own half marathon or even real marathon at some point. But there was never enough time to train. You try to fit a 10 mile run in your busy schedule. Being a college student was very busy. I barely had enough time to work out much less train for a marathon.

But it was always on my list of things I wanted to do. Graduate college. check. Go to Spain. check. Get a job. check. Have an amazing boyfriend. check. Get a job I love. check. Graduate with my masters. check check. Run a half marathon....


So after my masters graduation, I had a lot of free time and my good friend Sandy convinced me that I could train for it in 2 months, so I did it. I ran and cardioed (yes, cardioed) like crazy, but it paid off in the end. I did it and in pretty good time too. It was a big accomplishment for me and I was proud. I was proud that I could run 13 miles, but even more proud that I had been wanting to do it for a while, and finally just went out and did it. My parents and Brad came out to watch and they were awesome cheerleaders. I love them and am so grateful that they got excited with me and celebrated with me.

Here they are just hanging out waiting for me to pass. Great marathon attire! Would you call that your marathon jogging suit?

and more waiting...

Look at me go!!! Like a bolt of lighting!

It's the last lap and I'm loosing steam...good thing Brad came in for encouragement!
There I am crossing the finish line! Yay, I made it! I even got a cute medal to show for it!

Hey Brad, you think the medal is orange for halloween??

All in all, it was a great experience and I had a great time! I especially loved the celebratory brunch at LePeep afterwards with my parents, Brad and my bff, lauren! :)


bwsnead said...

very cute. you are a rock star marathoner.

Anonymous said...

so proud of you! lepeep... you LOVE lepeep!!

The Trombleys said...

way to go, lauren! that is a great accomplishment! i hope i can check it off my list too after this next weekend!!