Saturday, December 8, 2012

Heisman on My Mind

Every year I try so hard to protect my heart. I give myself a little pep talk: "It's just a game." "It doesn't matter." "My happiness doesn't depend on Aggie Football." And it gets to me. Every year. 

And this year was no different. Possible Heisman candidate? Double digit season wins? Johnny Football? Beating #1 Bama? Yeah,  that all happened. Yeah, I got emotionally involved. Yes, my husband and I were checking twitter every 2 minutes on the day of the mass BCS Bowl chaos. I may have shed a tear when I realized we weren't going to Disney World. And yes, I made a "Johnny for Heisman" sign for my yard. Don't judge me. 

But really - It just gets to me every time. Why? Because I love every single part of being an Aggie. But I don't need to tell you can read about it here.

But what's made this season the most exciting is what Johnny Manziel has given us. Yes, he's given us a new found excitement. Yes, he's given us wins and amazing plays.  Yes, he gave us a Bama win. But that's not anything you haven't heard before. 

I think he's given us much more than that. See... being an Aggie is special and as Aggies, we know that. But Johnny has gave us national publicity and for the first time in a long time, people on the outside are able to see what it's like on the inside. For that, I am grateful. Because being an Aggie is special. Sure we do things twice  and call it a tradition, but the traditions are what makes us special. I'm glad people get to see what we stand for. Watching Sports Center these days is like watching an Aggie commercial and it makes my heart happy that others are able to enter our world. 

So yes, Give Johnny the Heisman for goodness sake. He deserves it. [insert info about how Man'ti Teo doesn't deserve it.] 

But win or lose, I am grateful that Jonny has opened the door for us on a national level. 

Living in the city, we are surrounded by urban kids who believe that the University of Texas is the only school in Texas. The other day, some kids from the local school walked by and were talking about Texas A&M. That doesn't usually happen. The tides are turning. (and not just the Crimson Tide). We are relevant. People know us. [insert Anchorman quote].

So here's to you Johnny Football, for making us relevant.  And for showing others what we already knew...that being an Aggie is the best thing ever. :) 

Gig em, Johnny Football! 

Gig em, Aggies!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

My 6 Word Memoir

Second semester improves.
Living more balanced.

This is my 6 word memoir. In 6 words, I have described my new semester and I think it sums it all up pretty well.

Maybe you are familiar with this new fad, maybe not, but I have my School Leadership professor to thank for introducing me to this. My professor is awesome! She is a principal at an elementary school in Cy Fair and everytime we meet, she motivates me. I hope as an educator and a leader people say that about me. Actually, I would hope that as a human being in general, people could say that about me.

Anyway, we started reading 6 word memoirs in class and I think they are ridiculsouly creative. It also makes me wonder if sometimes we just use too many words. My husband will probably tell you I do. But, I wonder if maybe sometimes life can be summed up in 6 words and I'm always up for a good challenge. 

So back to my 6 word memoir:  Second semester improves. Living more balanced.

So I know you are asking yourself, why my 6 word memoir? Well, as most you know, I have gone back to school. Yes, yes, I know, I had nothing else to do in life, so why not take on a doctorate now? And last semester was my first semester of doctorate school and it was crazy, to say the least. I studied all the time, I got stressed, I took days off of work to catch up, I couldn't find the time to go to church and I rarely saw my friends. I was far from balanced. But I learned from it. I learned how to be a student again. (I won't mention how ironic that is considering I'm a teacher). And that brings me to this semester. I'm already feeling more balanced. Last week, Brad and I took a spontaneous trip to Galveston and I think that's balance. So, as I strive to be more balanced this year, I hope to take the time and evaluate my life and sometimes put it in 6 words, just for fun...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Beverly Hills 90210: Need I say more?

So, I am embarrased to say that Brad and I have been watching the Bachelor. I know, I admit it and I feel better now that it's out there. And as if that isn't bad enough, I follow Bachelor blogs. It's true. I'm a blog addict. Teacher and doctorate student by day, avid blog follower by night. Don't judge me.

A friend recommended the I Hate Green Beans blog. She personally knows the girl that writes it and this Lincee girl lives in Houston. So, I read a little bit of her Bachelor recaps, but was less than excited about them. I wasn't into the whole total negativity "I hate the whole season" approach. Eh, to each his own. I personally liked a lot of the people on the show. (Team Nikki!).  And then there is Kourtney, but pretty much every girl in the free world is in agreement with me over that. Regardless, I didn't like Lincee's recaps, but I liked the way she wrote so I read some of her other stuff and came to this:

The 5 second ode to Beverly Hills 90210 made my day, heck it might of made my week.

I loved the creativity in this. I hope you enjoy it too!

Theme Song Amazingness

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Inspiration at the Cash Register

Reason #5670395728935 while I love Whole Foods: I walk up to the counter to check out, thinking this will be an ordinary transaction. I give her my food, she asks me if I found everything alright, I say yes, she bags, I pay, I leave. I was wrong. When I walk up to the counter the cashier says "What's  your inspiration?" It takes me off guard. What is she talking about? Inspiration for what? Turns out, it was a general question and I decide to answer quickly - First thing I think of is my husband. My husband is my inspiration. Or at least one of the things that inspire me. It was a question that took me off guard, but I've been thinking about it since I left Whole Foods. Brad does inspire me. He inspires me to be a better person, to have faith in myself and others. He inspires me to dream and to take risks. He is an inspiration to me and I imagine others too. and I am so grateful for him.

So what I thought would be an ordinary trip to the store - Get a little Kale, some garlic and a few bananas  - turned out to be a very interesting trip that made me think and made me grateful. Life is too short to not think about things that matter. And if nothing inspires us, maybe we should rethink our life...our priorities.

So I ask you too: What inspires you today?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy 28th birthday to me!

It's been so long since I've blogged and I figure when better to blog than on my 28th birthday. Nothing like a birthday to make you evaluate your life. So here I am... well into my late twenties and seeing my thirties upon the horizon. Did I really just say that? Thirties on the horizon? wow. I just don't feel 28. No way. It also helps that I get carded anytime I order a drink. Anyone else get carded at weddings? Firm Christmas parties? Oh no, just me. and that's why I don't feel 28. But turns out I really am 28 - The age my mom was when she had me. And yes, she reminded me of that this morning. :) And Preston and Lauren G gave me a toast Saturday night - a toast to fertility. Weird. Maybe they're trying to send me a message or something. I don't know. I don't read well between lines. But Speaking of toasts....since I'm 28 I may as well embrace it so... I'll toast to 28. Here's to being 28 but feeling much younger. Here's to 28 years of family, friends, fun, travel, school, school and more school. Here's to being 28 - whatever it brings!!

And speaking of whatever it brings, I'm thinking about doing something special with my last 2 years of my twenties. You know what I'm talking about. One of those cheesy and overdone, "30 things to do before you're 30" list. But ya know what? I like cheesy and I like goals. and checklists. Man, do I love checklists. Sometimes I just write to do lists including things I've already done, just so I have something to check off. Makes me feel accomplished. So I think this would be fun. I thought about doing 30 half marathons before I'm 30, but that didn't feel special enough - and I don't think it's possible to do 30 marathons in the next 2 years. And after Sunday, who knows if I'll ever do a 2nd. So I'm still thinking about this. If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them - So we'll see what comes out of this. Maybe it will be a short little check list of worth while things, but believe I'll add something I've already done so at least I don't have to start at 0. I don't want to feel defeated before I even start. We'll see what happens.

In the mean time, Happy Birthday to me! And a BIG Thank you  to my parents, my Brad, and all my friends who made it special. It was a wonderful weekend!

Cheers to being 28!