Monday, February 16, 2009

Ice, ice, baby.

The following is a true story of a conversation that happened in my class. And proof that high schoolers are hilarious!

Student: Mrs. O, are you married?
Me: Not yet
Student: oh, are you engaged?
me: yes.
Student: how long?
me: about 1 and 1/2 months
Student: Oh, that make sense, because I never saw your ice before.

HAHA said ice. In case you don't know it's kind of like bling or "jewelry" for those of you who are old school.

Just wanted to share how funny these kids are.


bwsnead said...
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bwsnead said...

go frost yourself!

- how to lose a guy in 10 days

Anonymous said...

i like to think of it as an ice skating rink on my finger. that's a fun analogy. we can call them the lauren & brittany rinks. thanks & gig 'em.