Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Bittersweet End

[Insert "Bittersweet Symphony" by the Verve]

Bittersweet is such a weird word, and yes, I said weird. How can something be bitter and sweet? but it can and it seems such the perfect word for now.

Another school year done. The beauty is that each year comes to an end. The sorrow is that each year comes to an end. I have been waiting for today for so long. I've been waiting to turn in my keys, lock my door and not teach for 3 months. I have taken everything off my walls as instructed. Locked up my belongings, closed the file cabinets, and it's done. But as I sit in my empty room, no pencils on the floor, no books out, no shouting kids, no room actually seems quiet and sad. When the kids were yelling and not working, I wanted them gone and now they're gone a part of me wants them back. Now that's bittersweet.

But all is said and done, year 4 is over and now to summer, which is the biggest perk of being a teacher, well that and changing kids lives. :) Next year will be new with new students and every year brings its own joys and pains.

I will miss all my students, but not necessarily everything about them. ;) I decided to list a few of my sweet moments and to leave the bitter ones for later. :)

I will miss Amanda who is a senior headed for Texas State. She is the first student in my 3 years of teaching high school that is going away to a 4 year college, and I am very proud of her.

I will miss Gladys who is always eager to help and always makes 100's. Just last week she told me that she didn't know what she wanted to do with her life, but that all that really mattered was that she grew closer to God. Coming from a 15 year old, that was pretty encouaraging.

I will miss Olivia, Leslie and Chelsea who thought it was funny if they told people I was pregnant and having a girl. They even made baby shower invitations and posted them around my room. That was cool.

I will miss my Class of 2012 officers that would have 10 minute meetings and then spend the next hour talking about boys and colleges and asking my opinions. I love those times.

I will miss Jamie, who I had as a freshman and a junior. I feel like I saw him grow up. As a freshman he was quite the trouble maker, but as a junior he was a star student. He even wrote a letter about how I impacted his life. It brought tears to my eyes.

So here's to this school year! I hope the best for my kids and am I excited about whats to come!

1 comment:

Mom said...

I'm proud of you. You impacted the students lives for the better and they will never forget you. I still remember Mr. Vera who taught Economics. His students knew he cared about their future. I remember Mr. Sanders who poured out his lives into the cheerleading squad. He wanted the best for us and even came to our wedding. What you are doing matters to the lives of the students. Even if they never tell you.