Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Open house is for lovers.

I just got home from open house. It's one of the joys of being a teacher: you get to go to open house. Seriously though, I like it. I like meeting parents. Even though its totally intimidating. I'm always scared they are going to ask me my age or how long i've been teaching or something like that. But the parents are always really respectful and never ask my age. It's the other teachers I have to worry about. I can't tell you how many times a week, sometimes a day, a teacher at the high school I work at will ask me, "Are you a teacher?" Why, it just happened today, and she even asked me my age too. I laughed it off nonchalantly, like "oh, you are so funny."but inside i was thinking "you don't look that much older than me and did you see the badge? See the badge!" Anyway, that was a long aside....back to the point...open house. So, it's such a strange thing. I teach 5 classes with an average of 22 or so students. so figure I teach about 110 students. I only saw 7 parents. 7! my biggest class....1st period...no one came! the only person there was me! It really was a sad moment. I've heard stories of that happening, where no one shows up, but this was my first time and it was actually very sad. Where have all the parents gone? Its time like these that I appreciate my parents and what they did for me. My parents were always at open house, parent conferences, games, etc. I'm sure I took it for granted...I was a brat at times, but as I look back I'm so grateful they cared. There are too many parents that just don't care. And I understand that some parents are just trying to make ends meet, but it's so sad to me that most of these parents couldn't make time to meet the teachers and the people who clearly spend more time with their children than they do. In the end, what really matters is the relationship they have with their kids. I question if that relationship is really there.

with all that said: I had/have amazing parents! and to all you parents...love your kids and go to open house!

thanks and gigem.

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