Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy One Month!

It's been exactly one both. On August 21, Brad and I got married. At times, it seems so long ago, and at other times, I can't believe we are married. I still have those moments, of whoa...I'm married...and my name changed. It has been quite an adventure in the past month, but I will say this..being married has been such a blessing. I've loved it...pretty much every part of it. And I love knowing that at the end of every day no matter what happened or who I saw, I get to see Brad when its all over and I love it. So in honor of being married and changing my name I'd like to share some special newyled moments/suprises in the form of an acrostic.

S- Seat - Brad leaves the toilet seat up and I have fallen in numerous times. He usually knows I've fallen in when he hears me scream. It's not one of my prettier moments. 2 1/2 years of dating, and i've never fallen in the toilet...1 month of being married, and i can't even count how many times i've fallen in. I just don't get it.

N - Nightime - What I love most about being married is that when they day is over, I get to see Brad...every night and every night I cuddle him to death :) We pretty much only sleep on half of our king size bed. (I told him it was too big for us) .People keep telling me that it won't always be like this, but I think it will. :)

E - EA Sports - I never thought marriage life would be this much fun...Thanks to Uncle Ralph, Brad and I play the Wii pretty much every night. The Wii Tennis and now EA Sports' Grand Slam tennis are our favorites. We have had such a blast. I always thought married people read books and went to bed at 8, but it hasn't been like that at all, and I've loved it.

A - Adjustements - I have had to make some adjustments, and for someone who doesn't like change, like me, you would think some things would be hard for me: for example: getting a new name, moving, living with a boy, sharing a bathroom, sharing a bed, sharing a closet, pretty much just sharing (hello, only child) COOKING!, cleaning, trying not to snooze a bajillion times, not leaving my clothes on the floor after I change...Adjustments...we have had to do this. Both of us. But, of course it's worth it :)

D - Devotion - As you know, Brad is such loyal guy. He is completely devoted to me and to God. He is constantly encouarging me to be a better, gentler person and I am so grateful for that role he plays in my life. I'm excited to see where the Lord takes us next.


bwsnead said...

Happy one month! i love you!

Anonymous said...

i remember 1 month being so special too. it always flys by!! don't let people tell you you can't be in love forever. married love is DIFFERENT love (as i'm sure ya'll are already seeing!) but it is never "worse" like everyone tries to make you think. i loved your "snead" things! i should do "kendall" things. is that okay?? your snead things were so good though!!! okay that's enough comment. :) happy 1 month!

The Trombleys said...

oh, i love reading how things are going for y'all and your adjustments to married life! There are so many things that I wish we could go through again as newly weds, but then again there are so many things I am glad we don't have to go through again! I just remember all those feelings though... such sweet bliss!! Can't wait to see y'all in a few weeks and hear some more!

Lauren said...

Cute post! I'm glad things are going so well. Happy one month!

Adam & Emily said...

Yay for snuggling. Don't listen to people who say you want always snuggle. YOu certainly can if you want and I would recommend it:) I'm so happy for ya'll!


Mom said...

It blesses my heart to see you so happy. I love how Brad loves you and how you love him.
