Friday, October 3, 2008

A teacher moment

I had a teacher moment recently. If you're a teacher, you know the's one of those moments where you feel warm fuzzies and you think...that's why I became a teacher...I knew it wasn't to be cussed at, yelled at, or disrespected. Well, one of my students from last year came over after school and just came to talk. She sat in my classroom while I graded and she even helped me with a few things. She then tells me how stressed she's know the high school drama...and tells me that she loves coming in my classroom becase I'm always happy and positive. She said I was like a sun..always shining! uhh, helloo..I was like, are you talking about me? She said her teachers this year weren't like that and she loved coming back here because I made her happy! sweetest thing ever! It's so encouaring to hear statements like that. I think too many times we think people realize that they are doing a good job, but how would they know if no one tells them? My little Cassie made my day..except that she's really not that little. She's a junior in high school and engaged :) there's a ring...but thats a whole different story......


Sandy Oropeza said...

I'm so proud of you! Our lives should be about impacting people's lives and that's exactly what you are doing. Your life matters and counts in the lives of these kids. I pray God will continue to use you and bless you at your school.
P.S. I like your background.
P.S.S. Thank you for helping us move the furniture last night.

Anonymous said...

i love the new look!!!!!

Amanda said...

the blog looks cute, roomie!!